Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Insider #10

Warfighter has shipped, and has received an amazing reception! Thank you very much for all the positive posts, feedback, and reviews on Facebook!

The Tiger Kickstarter is launching TOMORROW! We're very excited about this, and we'll be posting a "How to Play" video with the launch. The video will show the "Eastern Russian Front 1943" Campaign, as well as the "Blitz" Objective card. This first video focuses on battlefield combat, and gives a good overview of the core game mechanics.

We're also supporting Extra Life, a group that donates money to help with the expanses at children's hospitals. The volunteers earn the money by playing games and narrating their adventures during live streaming game sessions. My personal friend, Katie Goecker, is a volunteer, and we are proud to support her generous work. Please visit our Facebook pages if you are interested in Extra Life.


Paul Aceto did a quick After Action Report (AAR) for Warfighter on Board Game Geek.

People are going to the Megabloks site and custom making some incredibly cool figures to use with their Warfighter games!

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